Today’s car buyers spend four fewer days in the market than they did only two years ago.
With PriceMyCar, they get data-driven appraisals that speed up trade-in decisions.Less time haggling, more time to spend on finding their dream car.

Each buyer’s journey gives you about 24 chances to reach a customer.
The earlier and the more often you can nail down those chances – the more likely you’ll be to get the sale. PriceMyCar gives you the insight you need to make the most of those chances.

88 per cent of buyers research online before they even set foot in a dealership.
This means dealers must reach buyers early in the process. Buyers need to know their trade-in value early on.
PriceMyCar does just that – and does it all online in only a few minutes!

How It Works

We place an interactive icon on your dealership’s website. When a customer clicks on the icon, they’ll go to the PriceMyCar website, where they’ll enter their mobile phone number.

The customer downloads the app and follows the prompts. Using images and video, they provide information about their car and receive an instant appraisal.

Once the appraisal is logged, the dealership is notified, enabling instant engagement with the customer offline.

The PriceMyCar system sends the customer a text message with a download link to the PriceMyCar app.

1. Click on the Price My Car icon on a dealerships website

2. Complete the appraisal of your car at a place and time convenient to you

3. Chat directly with dealership through the Price My Car app to agree

Here Are The Facts
Over 50% of all car buyers have their mind made up before they walk onto your premises.
In today’s digital world, showroom visit numbers will keep on falling.
But, online searches for 'car dealers near me’ almost double every year.
21st-Century Car Buyers by the Numbers
59% of the car-shopping process happens online.
88% of all customers use the Internet to shop for a car
63% already have an idea about what their trade-in is worth.
62% of car buyers find new vehicles online.
47% said that personalised messages from messaging apps help.
55% of car buyers decide on a car online.
60% still plan to buy their vehicle through a dealership.
The PriceMyCar Advantages
Don’t miss out on your chance to drive your dealership into the future.
Get PriceMyCar for your dealership today!
Get leads you'd never have
secured without the app.Give your sales team potential
customers’ lead and trade-in details.Get secured bids from the trade using
our built-in Trader Bid feature.Engage directly with potential
customers.Gain an accurate price for the
customer’s vehicle before he or she
comes onsite.Convert more customers,
waste less time.